parade through flowered paths

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
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POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 4:17:05 GMT
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[attr="class","lightbluetext"]a young man who took up the mantle of masked superhero in order to make hoenn a better place again by taking down team rocket. unknowingly orphaned by them during his youth kazimir spreads chaos among the ranks by targeting rocket bases and the like and disrupting whatever he can, either by stealing back pokemon or burning down the buildings to the ground. although he's only done the latter one once he won't hesitate to do it again. because of his methods his hero persona isn't quite well received by the league officials for the fact that he's willing to get his hands just as dirty as team rocket's even if what he does is in the name of right and justice. either way he believes its only right to repay them the favor in kind, maybe even two fold if he's given the opportunity. of course its not just rocket that gets his ire, as he does believe the league tends to just dawdle on actually tackling the problem and has its own share of of them that needs fixing



[attr="class","lightbluetext"]if there's a place that kazimir thrives in its being the optimistic center of a group. of course with optimism comes with a lot of whimsy and loyalty from the guy as he tends to treat even the smallest of bonds as a promise between best friends forever. personal boundaries is something of a foreign concept to him as the moment he makes any sort of connection with a person whatever walls they have around them become nonexistent to him. he can literally show up on your doorstep or already in your place one day when he gets the inkling to just simply hang out. plus he's the type to just lend a hand with whatever you ask of him, even if he doesn't have any sort of skills that you would absolutely need that he possesses, he's just happy to help out. basically he's just one big rockruff. always loyal and happy around a person he likes.



[attr="class","lightbluetext"]kazimir believes in absolute beat down of evil. so rockets are instantly curbstomped upon discovering them. when it comes to regular people who don't really align with them? he affords the same level of aggression and hurt but in a more jovial tone and attitude about it. he enjoys some healthy competition so rivals are people that he absolutely enjoys even if they're made from respect for his skill or anger at his arrogance about it. either way he treats them as just friends who are always eager to throw down when needed. what about people not associated with rocket who throw their weight around like them you ask? at this point it should be obvious that he finds those kind of people the worst, like your not part of rocket and know how bad they are so why are you being just as bad? is he going to have to knock some sense into you?



[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Kazimir doesn't quite get the difference between lovers and best friends, in his eyes both are pretty much equal to him. even so he does like to play around with folks in the love department which means he's not against having many partners for some good fun. a few might find his non-chalant attitude about the idea a bit off putting but he doesn't give a care about that. he just wants people to know that he does care for them and make them feel good in the end. it doesn't take a whole lot to get him to go along with either, just a simple ask is all it takes.



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POSTED ON Mar 23, 2019 12:58:29 GMT
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[break]kazimir's the kind of guy that landon would both look up to and be very much intimidated by. while he doesn't have the heart to use such methods himself i think he'd find himself sort of agreeing with kazimir's views on the need for league action. he'd def appreciate his optimism in the moments he starts feeling a little helpless. they're first interactions may be a little shaky thaks to landon's tendency to retreat back into his shell, but i think these two could end up as good friends!

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Kazimir Wynter
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POSTED ON Mar 24, 2019 18:31:05 GMT
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[break]i'm stealing ur thing[break][break]

"Your the Taillow to my Zubatman!"[break][break]

I just think its funny that Landon would feel intimidated by Kazimir as Kazi's the type of guy to drag him into fun things to do as a way of getting him out of that shell. He'd totally help Landon try and be a better league member so that there's someone who can do more than the current upper echeleon, so I can see them being good partners in crime justice? But yes Kazi is a parasite of goodwill and will infect Landon with it <3

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POSTED ON May 8, 2019 19:58:07 GMT
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[break][break]also stealing[break][break]

i would love to see like a blossoming relationship while goro is disguised in his kalos persona and then a dramatic reveal and from there ???>>>>>> who knows but totes something i could get into

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Dec 29, 2019 10:42:15 GMT
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It looks like we'll be participating in the next event, but I was thinking maybe we can plan for something afterwards. I'm sure Remy could easily find out how much of a pain in the butt Kazimir was to the former Team Rocket. I think he'd be wholly intrigued by his strength of character and battle prowess, to be honest. Though Remy keeps his affiliation with Team Rocket under tight wraps, per requested by the higher-ups, I would say that he would approach Kazimir for a battle should the opportunity present itself. He craves challenge, after all. When/if they battle, Kazimir could learn a lot about Remy that way. Which, in turn, could lead to an on & off again rivalry of sorts. Whaddya think?
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POSTED ON Dec 29, 2019 16:55:04 GMT
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oh heck yes, i like to imagine that kazimir's shenanigans have been a pain for team rocket and he's probably got some notoriety with them. that could probably help with their rivalry in some form or something i imagine like give remy some kind of motivation to beat him in a battle. and i'm totally down for rivalry stuff after the event, cause kazimir does have his own competitive side as well so he's always down to battle and just might battle remy himself if they run into each other again.

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POSTED ON Dec 29, 2019 21:00:28 GMT
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Awesome, dude! Sounds great. I love to kick off some plot with raw action, it keeps things lively. I suppose we should wait until after the event ends, though, just to make sure we keep our continuity straight! They're probably gonna interact or at least (possibly) catch glimpses of each other there, after all. We'll see though! When we do get around to it, do you wanna start the thread or should I? And should they battle in the wild somewhere, Remy's hometurf (Rustboro City) or Kazimir's? Entirely up to you, pal, I'm fine either way! 
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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 15:27:46 GMT
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hey! so i've been keeping an eye on kazimir for a while, trying to figure out how him and stormy might get along. despite his less than stellar (if you can call it that) reputation with the league as a masked hero, i think stormy would actually genuinely appreciate his efforts? of course, she thinks he's a dumbass for recklessly diving into rocket bases to cause trouble because he could easily get hurt or killed.

but he's unconventional and fearless and she appreciates that. she wants to be that. she's desperate to be confident and strong and fearless. so i think these two could really bond and become close friends, if you're interested? and if you have any ideas i'm all ears!
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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 19:23:23 GMT
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kazimir will surely teach stormy the ways of Confident Badassery(tm) or as its rather called; [Project as Much Confidence and BS your Way Out Of Situations with Crazy Ideas]! but for reals kazi will try and help her improve on her self confidence with lots of training and hanging out with her. heck he can even take her out with him to raid a rocket base! /o/
ok maybe not that but something similar. honestly his idea would be to do missions that include some form of danger that they would need to tackle in order to strengthen her body and spirit so that she can project the kind of confidence she wants. they can be an unstoppable duo no doubt! she will need a costume tho...

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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2020 17:30:43 GMT
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heyo! So, Going back to what we was talking about before with these two. Yes, I would really like to flesh that out between Kieren and Kazimir ^^ if you want, we can a mission with the two where they square off in a battle or something! ^^ either way, just wanted to let ya know I'm all for it! XD

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POSTED ON Jan 31, 2020 16:17:37 GMT
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kyle kidnaps him when he eventually gets a zygarde dog? y/y?
so kyle isn't exactly lawful and usually acts under his own judgement too, so he'd probably be interested in kazimir once he finds out he does vigilante shit.

if you want, we can set up something like he does something destructive like destruction of property or whatever and kyle tracks him down, but like asks him to instead help come up with an excuse to tell the higher ups on how he got away. he really likes the mix of chaos and good that he does but he can't really provide them and he gets too embarrassed to do the pokenger thing kazimir does.

and idk, maybe further their relationship after that?
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POSTED ON Feb 1, 2020 3:47:59 GMT
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kyle will become a pokenger if he wants to pet zygarde doggo[break][break]

but yeeees we should thread these two chaotic good dorks together. like if kyle ever needs to do something crazy but wants help he can dial pokenger's number and just tell him "i have a thing-" before 5 minutes past and he's there out of breath and in costume already. partners in crime justice! we do need to talk more about what kind of relationship they would have, best thing coming to my mind is basically partners in busting up rocket joints. also kazi coming to kyle for trainer cause he may be pokenger but kyle is one of the elite four! that's still a cool person to know.
just wait till kyle does kidnap kazimir as the pokenger and the superhero is just "can i have your autograph?!?"

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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 15:18:04 GMT
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yeah! i was kinda thinking of something like that but i just couldn't find the right words LOL. he can also lowkey be an inside man for him for when there's something he wants destroyed but the league higher ups are taking too long to process the mission so kyle just goes behind their back and gets kazimir to do the job.

kyle can also be the one trying to reel him back when he does something too crazy and be kinda like a protective big bro figure that still lets him go towards the danger further to their relationship or smth. but yeah, maybe we can set up their initial meeting as either kyle catching him in the act and chasing after him afterwards or kyle hunting for urban legends so he tracks him down like a private investigator or something else??? LOL

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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 20:43:57 GMT
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i'm down for kyle trying to find the cryptid that is pokenger like that's absolutely poggers. but yeah i'm liking all of this. kazi being the guy kyle calls when he needs big shit down like comissoner gordon and batman they need a pokenger signal now and kyle being all big bro to him cause he knows kazi can get shit done but he also gets shit on so much on the job that he has to probably pay for one or two medical bills after trip to the hospital. we should totaly do a thread where he's snooping around somewhere on the routes cause pokenger totally has a Secret Base and gets ropped into a battle by the pokemon he left in charge to guard the place.

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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2020 15:45:12 GMT
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aight! aight! imma start a thread whenever i get the energy to do it o/. maybe gonna have it after the raid cause that's where the pokenger shows off in front of a lot of people. :pray:
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